28 Einstein: His Life and Universe

einsteinI have never felt so much smarter and stupider, in equal parts, for reading a book.

For Book Riot’s read a biography task, I ambitiously chose Walter Isaacson’s tome Einstein: His Life and Universe (2007). It was in the spirit of the “Read Harder” challenge that I picked a book that I would not normally put forth the time and effort to read. Biographies are not my typical genre and physics is, well, I’m told I made my high school physics teacher cry, so there’s that. Perhaps part of me wanted to return to my days at the University of Chicago, pouring over erudite writings on which I had only the most tenuous of grasps. Those days were not fun, but they did leave me with the occasional masochistic desire to immerse myself in scholarly works and see how I make it through to the other end. I’d say this fit the bill nicely.

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