280 Hidden Figures

hiddenfiguresby Margot Lee Shetterly, 2017

Book Riot Read Harder Challenge: A book by an AOC set in or about space.

Well, I’ll be the voice of dissent here and say that I really struggled with this book. I really wanted to like it and I’ve wanted to read it for quite a while, so much so that I put off seeing the movie so that I could enjoy the book more. I even saved it for the penultimate spot in my Read Harder Challenge tasks so that I would have something to look forward to. Yet, I had to push myself to get through it. I assumed that my interest in all things feminism and civil rights would outweigh my dislike of all things aviation, but it turns out that, despite being thrilled that the story of black women’s contributions to America’s aeronautical history was finally being told, I’m still the daughter of an Air Force engineer who was bored out of her mind when she was dragged to air show after air show. 

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